The Hearts of Heroes

The Hearts of Heroes

What can Odysseus teach us about relationships? How can Leonidas, the King Sparta, inspire captains of industry and high flying businessmen? What secrets can the mythological couple, Theseus and Ariadne, reveal about the human brain?

Learn lessons of the heart with heroes, warriors and legends of the ancient world to better understand how to navigate the various relationship in your life in this month’s unique Classical Wisdom Webinar. Join Dr Micki Pistorius, psychologist and editor of the Premium Ancient-Origins site, as she fuses her two professions, archaeology and psychology in this interview…taking place Saturday, March 6, 2021 at Noon EST.

Register for Free to watch The Hearts of Heroes on March 6, 2021 at Noon EST. (New York Time)

Please note: All those who register in advance will receive a recording of the webinar, even if you are unable to watch the performance live. Classical Wisdom Society Members have full access to webinar archives.